Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Rat Trap Glue: Do They Work?

When you find signs that rats are attacking your house, you really need to work fast to get rid of them before the infestation is getting worse. Thankfully, there are many techniques and tools you can use to stop the rats from ruining your house. One of the most popular methods to get rid of rats is using rat trap glue.

You might hesitate to use glue trap because it doesn’t exactly have the best reputation among other rat extermination methods. One of its main problem is the glue can easily stick to any surface it touches, either it is the carpet, the floor, your pet’s paws and even your clothes. But it actually won’t be a problem if you know how to remove rat trap glue from clothes and also other things. If you want to know more about glue trap and whether it is effective or not, let’s find the answer below.

Rat trap glue board
Rat Trap Glue Board (Source : www.dumbrats.com )

How to Use Rat Trap Glue

Even though some people think this method is barbaric, rat trap glue doesn’t lose its popularity because its application is very easy. You simply need to buy the glue and prepare a cardboard to spread the glue. Some brands even already include the cardboard in the package so you don’t have to get creative.

Simply spread the glue on the cardboard and then put some bait on it. Sometimes the odor of the glue can be a little bit strong, so you need to choose food bait with even stronger aroma. Cheese, ham or peanut butter can be an excellent candidate since rats dig those foods. After that, put the trap in a place where the rats often pass by. If you have pets, make sure your pets cannot access the trap because it will be a problem if their paws are stuck to the glue.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Rat Trap Glue

Now the question is, should you choose rat trap glue or choose something else? To answer that question, let’s analyze the pros and cons of this trap first.

·         Advantages

1.     You Know Where the Dead Rats Are
One of the best things about rat trap which makes it very effective is the fact that you don’t have to waste your time finding the dead rats. The glue will make sure the rats stay still on the cardboard. As a result, you don’t have to waste time finding where the dead rats are and you can get rid of them as soon as possible before the stinky odor emanating.

2.     Easy Disposal
People really love to use rat trap glue because it is very easy to dispose. Cleaning after dead rats can be very disgusting and this is what makes people hesitate to use snap trap or electronic trap. Once the rats are caught, you must clean the trap because new rats will not go anywhere near the trap if they smell the scent of dead rat in the trap. If you use glue trap, you don’t have to clean anything. Simply dispose the dead rat along with the cardboard and everything is set.

·         Disadvantages

1.     It Will Ruin Your Clothes
Rat trap glue is your best friend when it comes to catching rats. But if it accidentally sticks to something other than the rodents, rat trap glue will turn into your biggest enemy. Rat is a sly and persistent little thing. Even though the glue has managed to trap it, it will keep fighting to be free. This is why rat trap glue is designed to be extremely strong.
Things will turn to a very bad direction if you accidentally smear the glue on your clothes while applying it to the cardboard. Your favorite clothes will be ruined if you don’t know how to clean it. So, if you have set your heart to use glue trap to get rid of rats, make sure you also learn how to remove rat trap glue from clothes.

2.     It Is Inhumane
Glue trap is effective and all, but the biggest problem about this trap is it is insanely inhumane. Once the rats are caught, they cannot go anywhere but they are not dead as well. They will suffer a very tragic death due to dehydration. They will squeak all night long until death finally takes them and it is not the most pleasant thing to hear. If you want to put an end to their misery as fast as possible, you will need to kill them with your own hands.

How to Remove Rat Trap Glue from Clothes

Since the adhesive power is very strong, it can be very difficult to get rid of it if it sticks to your clothes. But thankfully, it is not impossible. This is how you remove the glue from the fabric:
1.     It will be easier to remove the glue if it is frozen. So, put the stained clothes inside the freezer for a couple of hours. Never try to clean the fabric when the glue is not frozen because the stain will spread and mess your clothes even more.
2.     Once the glue is frozen, scrape it with your finger starting from the edges. If the glue is getting thawed again, put the fabric back in the freezer before continue scraping.
3.     Once all the glue has been scraped, simply wash it in the washing machine with detergents like usual. If there is some stubborn stain left, you can wash it with your hand under running water.


So, is rat trap glue effective to get rid of rats? Yes, it is. As long as you choose a product with good adhesive, use strong cardboard and also put bait that the rat like, glue trap is extremely effective to catch even the biggest rat. Yes, it is not the most humane way to get rid of rats, but if other methods have failed and you don’t really mind witnessing the rodents suffering, it is an excellent way to stop rat infestation at your house. Just make sure you know how to remove rat trap glue from clothes just in case it suddenly sticks to your favorite clothes.